Cmaptools is a program that allows the user to create concept maps. But not just that. You have the chance to change the fonts, the color, the lines, the charts, adding icons, connecting with other documents or internet links.
But, in which way can this be used at school? Well, many teachers use this tool to create a summary of the contents seen during the class. But one of my coworkers use concept maps to encourage the students to highlight the main concepts seen in the class. So, it is a good way that students re-study and explain in their own words, what they understood. And it is easy and attractive because students can innovate in the style of the concept map.
Cmaptools is a free program that you can use for your classes. (I have heard that some teachers are using concept maps to evaluate the knowledge of the students). You can check this video in order to know how to create concept maps, or check this other video to know how to add some resources to your presentation.
Once you have created your map, you can choose the way you want to store it. If you want as an image or as a web page, among other options. So, don't lose the chance to check this program, and you will see the potential of Cmaptools. But I am sure it will be a good tool for your students.
Here is one map I created with Cmaptools to teach the kind of sentences in English.

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