
Monday 9 January 2012

New year resolution (for teachers)

I have watched videos on youtube about New year's resolutions. I thought, then what about teachers? and I came up with the following ideas based on some videos.

  • This is not a new book in our life, it is just another chapter. So, let's not think about this year as a whole new year. It is just another year.
  • Choose something realistic to improve. Let's not imagine impossible dreams
  • Write down what you expect for the year, so at the end of it, you will evaluate what you have or haven't done.
  • Also, evaluate your progress, don't wait until the end of the year to know the results. The more you evaluate your assesments, the more you willl be able to get them.
  • Don't expect to get all at once. This is a progress and it will take time (One year!!), so don't be in a hurry.
  • Ask for help. We are teachers, but we don't know everything. We can learn from other teachers, and we can rely on them. Let's not be shy.
  • Be positive. Even if it seems hard, don't give up. Your students deserve it.
  • If you have two good resolutions, maybe you can think of one or two more. You can do it. But don't think about 50 or 60.
  • Every time you achieve something, then be thankfull and happy. You did it. Now, you are capable of more.
I hope you have luck for this new year.

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